The Traveling Golf Hobo (Matt Cardis, Golf In Your State) - 010
On this track of Pints & Putts we have the pleasure of having Matt Cardis of Golf In Your State on the podcast. Matt Cardis is a photographer, golf adventurer, travel expert, some have referred to Matt as the traveling golf hobo, or golf bum. Matt Cardis is traveling around the country in his Golf In Your State sprinter van, and playing golf around the United States. Matt works with golf courses as a golf course photographer, and golf consultant. Matt has a very compelling story of how this all started. It was also great to hear about how Golf In Your State gets involved in communities around the country with the Golf Wall Project. We would like to thank today's sponsor, Back East Brewing. So sit down, have a pint, and enjoy!
The Color Blind Brewer (Jake Derosia, Color Blind Artisanal Ales) - 011